Default Locale

Home Forums WordPress Plugins Language Switcher Default Locale

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    • #8853

      Hello, I am using Language Switcher plugin for WordPress and I need my website to be available in English (en_US) and Russian (ru_RU)
      However, when selecting the languages I keep getting en_GB checked. When I try to uncheck en_GB it just comes back as checked. Most likely its because my WordPress was originally installed as en_GB locale, so I’ve tried to switch WordPress language in settings to en_US, but the plugin still consideres the installation to be en_GB.

      Is there any way to disable en_GB locale from the plugin completely? Maybe I can override the function that tries to pull the dafault locale to be a static en_US locale?

    • #8856

      Following up on our recent WhatsApp conversation:

      The plugin utilizes the get_option('WPLANG') function to establish the default language.

      To modify this setting, please navigate to ../wp-admin/options.php and adjust the WPLANG value to en_US.

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