We have added flag support to the plugin since 3.1.9
The language selections are prefixed by <span class="flag flag-{iso}"></span>
The plugin contains a default flag sprite image and some instructions in the Language Switcher settings tab to implement the css style.
It is optional and needs to be implemented manually via Theme > Additional CSS or through your filesystem as followed:
1 – After installing the plugin go to /wp-admin/admin.php?page=language-switcher&tab=settings
2 – Copy the CSS piece in Switcher Flag section :
3 – Paste it in your theme additional CSS, at the end of the style.css file or any other know stylesheet location
4 – To remove the ISO code, and language name or native name in the right side of the flag add the following rule to your CSS :
.lsw-iso, .lsw-language, .lsw-native {display:none;}
If you have any difficulties or suggestions please contact us
This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Rafasashi.
This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Rafasashi.