Installing a WooCommerce theme

The commercial WooCommerce-compatible theme, you will have to install it through the WordPress administrative panel or upload it using FTP. Before we do so, let's first take a look at what we actually received. In almost all cases, you'll receive a ZIP file holding different folders. The content and names of the folders will differ from theme to theme. Still, it's good to have a closer look at it and get familiar with commercial theme .

Making or Buying a Theme

The look and feel of your store are completely controlled by your WordPress theme. We already noticed that even a theme like Storefront already delivers good results. It's just better to use a theme that has been created by using WooCommerce in mind. If you would use a standard WordPress theme like Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Sixteen WooCommerce will still work, but layout issues might occur. We have two possibilities when choosing a design for .