Products related to Php

Translate a text with Amazon Translate using AWS SDK for PHP

Translate a text with Amazon Translate using AWS SDK for PHP

In a previous tutorial named "Integrating an AWS Service into a WP Plugin Boilerplate" we learned to use the free version of WP Package Editor (WP2E) to integrate the AWS Translate Service into a  Plugin Boilerplate. In this tutorial, we have prepared the necessary setup and installed the boilerplate project and AWS SDK dependency in order to integrate Amazon Translate into a WordPress environment. Create an IAM Policy To translate a string using the AWS Translate service, you will need to .

PHP Format Numbers to Nearest Thousands

Here comes a PHP function to format numbers to nearest thousands such as Kilos, Millions, Billions, and Trillions with comma. Function function thousandsCurrencyFormat($num) { if( $num > 1000 ) { $x = round($num); $x_number_format = number_format($x); $x_array = explode(',', $x_number_format); $x_parts = array('k', 'm', 'b', .

Integrating an AWS Service into a WP Plugin Boilerplate

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use the free version of WP Package Editor (WP2E) to integrate the AWS Translate Service into a Boilerplate. About WP Package Editor (WP2E) The core functionality of WP Package Editor (WP2E) is to create and manage packages to quickly deliver and maintain a set of interdependent scripts such as and from a single dashboard. The platform provides 3 types of resource: WP Package Installers - Installer .
How to redirect WooCommerce "add to cart" button to the checkout page without plugin?

How to redirect WooCommerce “add to cart” button to the checkout page without plugin?

These are the simple settings in WooCommerce to skip the cart page after Adding a product to the basket: 1 - From admin dashboard go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > General >next to "Add to cart behavior" make sure the option "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition" is checked. 2 - Moving to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > remove the ID from the field and add the checkout .

Modify your blog’s theme

are the style icons that drape themselves across the underlying , making them exactly what the users see. There are thousands available on the web, whether premium or free. Typically, premium themes offer more features and style, but there are plenty of free themes that make the grade, it’s just a matter of finding them. Once a theme has been found and installed it can be used immediately. However, the colors, fonts and  .

WooCommerce and Google Analytics integration

Google Analytics is a web analytics offered by google that is connected to your website through a piece of tracking code they tracks and website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Platform brand etc. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet. Integration with Once your store is up and running, it's important to start working on improvements. To be able to do that you first need to collect .

WooCommerce hooks, actions and filters

heavily relies on the usage of , , and Filters. It gives you the possibility to override the default output of WooCommerce. Developers added Hooks For instance, if you want to take control of the and add or even remove fields in there, hooks and filters are what you need. Let's first explain this concept. Within the and , developers added hooks. On a hook, you can hang your own code so .

Making or Buying a Theme

The look and feel of your store are completely controlled by your . We already noticed that even a like already delivers good results. It's just better to use a theme that has been created by using in mind. If you would use a standard theme like Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Sixteen WooCommerce will still work, but layout issues might occur. We have two possibilities when choosing a for .
How to Combine Javascript Files In WordPress without Plugin?

How to Combine Javascript Files In WordPress without Plugin?

To combine the javascript files in with and without Plugin, first, we must know all of the javascript files along with its handle name loaded on the web without seeing the web source as we did in the manual way. Knowing all of the javascript files loaded in a web page We can find all of information about the javascript files loaded in a WordPress page in the WP_Scripts object. This object is stored .