Free Shipping

Nowadays buyers often expect to receive free shipping when ordering items in your store. Shipping costs that are too high can be a reason for customers to leave your store and look for an alternative. Free Shipping as Marketing Free shipping is a marketing tactic used primarily by online vendors and mail-order catalogs as a sales strategy to attract customers. Free shipping helps to rationalize buying something online instead of going to a store. If shipping turns out to be too .

Shipping and Delivery Requirements

Online purchasing of goods and services has become very popular among people around the world. Due to the competitive market and convenience, people choose the online Purchase of goods. The range of choices, Feedback from other users, has influenced the Online buyers which are causing an increase in the number of Digital Buyers. Around 1.79 billion people worldwide purchase goods online. Mobile shopping bought huge growth in online shopping activities. In 2017, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted .

Shipping methods and prices

Just as with Payment Methods, we also need to think about the shipping methods we are going to offer to our customers. Where are we going to ship to? Shipping Method Do we charge our customers for it and if yes, does the amount depend on the shipping address, the weight of the products or both? Also here we have to think about several aspects: Which carrier(s) are we going to use? Is there any integration .

The shipping settings tab

Setting up Shipping works in a similar way as the Checkout setup. In here we'll show the Shipping Options Payments, Shipping, and Coupons we'll get back with more detailed instructions: The Shipping Options settings are as follows: The first setting is enabled by default. It is needed if you want to be able to charge shipping costs to your customers. If you're only selling digital goods -0;0tor on the cart page will result in the .

The Tax settings tab

Setting up taxes can be a difficult task. Of course, there's no 'one size fits all' approach possible here. Tax laws and calculations differ from country to country and region to region. Besides that, there's a large difference in handling taxes when selling goods to consumers or to other businesses. So in here, we'll just stick to the basics, by explaining the functionality WooCommerce has available. It's up to you to find out how tax .

Setting up WooCommerce part – 2

Afer going through Setting up WooCommerce part - 1 we will learn about it in more detail about different settings tab. WooCommerce is usable straight out of the box. However, in this section, we'll cover almost every setup parameter that you may use to control your online store. Going through all settings might be quite overwhelming in the beginning, but it will help you in exploring the possibilities of WooCommerce. The General Settings Tab Click on .

Installing WooCommerce

Installing a plugin is a fairly simple task: Click on Plugins in the menu on the left and click on Add New. Next, simply enter WooCommerce in the Search Plugins field and hit Enter. Verify if the correct plugin is shown on top and click Install Now. Over time results will vary, but the WooCommerce plugin itself should always appear on top. Click on Activate Plugin. Note that in the shown screenshot, we're installing .