Integrating an AWS Service into a WP Plugin Boilerplate

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use the free version of WP Package Editor (WP2E) to integrate the AWS Translate Service into a Boilerplate. About WP Package Editor (WP2E) The core functionality of WP Package Editor (WP2E) is to create and manage packages to quickly deliver and maintain a set of interdependent scripts such as and from a single dashboard. The platform provides 3 types of resource: WP Package Installers - Installer .

Learn to edit your WordPress blog posts

is designed in such a way that creating a new for your is as simple as typing it in. You won’t, however, always get it right first time. If you’ve got a news-based the site then you might need to update a post with new information as it becomes available, or sometimes you will simply need to go back and correct a typo. Thankfully this is not a task to challenge anyone. A .

Introducing categories

are the filing system in your local library. They help organize your into meaningful sections, enabling you to find every of a particular type quickly and easily. in Category Rather than having a fixed set of categories prescribed to you, however, lets you choose your own category structure to match your filing preferences. So if you’re creating a about different sports, you might want to create categories by the game; one for football, .

Working with tags

We've already gone the usage of product already in Creating Your First . Using tags works exactly in the same way that you're used to when writing . Writing WordPress Just be aware that Product Tags and Tags for Posts are actually separated from each other. You may find the tags that you already used by navigating to Products | Tags in the menu on the left-hand side of your screen. Note that .

Setting up product categories

Now that is up and running and we had a look at its it's time to start creating a couple of and build our online store. WooCommerce offers several possibilities to create your product . Setting up product Creating your first product Setting the categories, , and for your product Learning about the other product types Setting up product categories When setting up your product catalog, it often makes sense to .

How to organise WordPress posts

This will teach us how to manage all , including sing bulk-, filtering, , adding and much more. After a busy news day where stories and are stacking up on your or -powered the website, you take a look back at the homepage and realize there are more than a couple of things wrong with it. Tags are missing. Things are all in the wrong order. The same has appeared twice. Basically, your .