Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce (2nd Edition)

Building E-Commerce Solutions with WooCommerce (2nd Edition)

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This book has been written for everyone who wants to learn how to expand an existing WordPress website with e-commerce functions using the WooCommerce plugin.

WooCommerce is an easy-to-use, but fully-functional, e-commerce plugin that will turn your website into a fully-featured online store.

The book is suitable for marketers, e-commerce (project) managers, and web design agencies working with WordPress.

First of all, this book is meant for everyone willing to run their own online store on a relatively small budget.

Although this book is not aimed at developers, some WooCommerce code examples are provided in this book.


Chapter 1 - Setting Up WooCommerce

  1. Setting up your test environment2
  2. Installing WooCommerce5
  3. Setting up WooCommerce13
  4. The General Settings Tab13
  5. The Products Settings Tab15
  6. The Tax settings tab20
  7. The Checkout Settings Tab22
  8. The shipping settings tab24
  9. The Accounts Settings Tab26
  10. The Email Settings Tab27
  11. The API Settings Tab29
  12. Preparing our test store30
  1. Setting up product categories33
  2. Creating your first product35
  3. General data38
  4. Inventory data39
  5. Shipping data40
  6. Linked products and attributes40
  7. Advanced data41
  8. Setting the categories, tags, and images for your product41
  9. Product visibility options46
  1. Working with tags50
  2. Virtual products50
  3. Downloadable products51
  4. Using attributes54
  5. Setting up variable and grouped products57
  6. Other product types66
  7. Grouped products66
  8. External/Affiliate products68
  9. Importing product data69
  1. Payment methods71
  2. Payment methods around the world71
  3. What you need to know about credit cards74
  4. Setting up PayPal76
  5. Setting up Stripe78
  6. Shipping methods and prices80
  7. Working with free shipping84
  8. Using shipping classes85
  9. Carrier integration86
  10. Using discount coupons87
  1. Using the available widgets and shortcodes93
  2. Making or buying a theme96
  3. Finding and selecting WooCommerce themes97
  4. Things you should pay attention to when buying a theme99
  5. Installing a WooCommerce theme101
  6. Working with theme settings106
  7. Setting up your home page107
  8. Using the Storefront theme108
  9. Adding a logo110
  10. Homepage control110
  1. What we need to get started113
  2. Tools every web designer needs115
  3. WordPress theme basics116
  4. Creating a Child theme119
  5. Developing WooCommerce themes123
  6. WooCommerce CSS124
  7. WooCommerce hooks, actions and filters125
  8. Adding a logo using code126
  9. Removing the sidebar127
  1. Adjusting the notification e-mails129
  2. Deploying your WooCommerce store133
  3. Working with sales orders135
  4. Adding manual sales orders142
  5. Reporting145
  6. Sales reports145
  7. Customer reports146
  8. Stock reports147
  9. Tax reports148
  1. Where to find the right WooCommerce plugins150
  2. A closer look at plugin prices152
  3. Popular and useful WooCommerce plugins153
  4. WooCommerce and Google Analytics integration153
  5. WooCommerce and the Yoast SEO plugin154
  6. Advanced products155
  7. Online marketing156
  8. The MailChimp integration157
  9. Social coupons157
  10. Google shopping158
  11. Abandoned carts159
  12. Plugins for store management160
  13. Table rate shipping160
  14. Invoicing162
  15. Subscriptions162
  16. Reporting162
  17. Business to Business catalog163
  18. Importing product data164
  19. USA tax calculations164
  20. A store in multiple languages165
  21. Free plugins166


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