About Wordpress

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Discover the flexibility of WordPress plugins

Widgets are a lot like plug-ins, but they’re easier to add and customize. Here we’ll look at the various widgets available and the simple ways to add, edit and customize widgets to benefit the functionality and user experience of your WordPress website. One of the main benefits of using widgets is you’re not required to change any of the Theme code. If you wish to use widgets in your website, it is important to select a .

Add a gallery of images in WordPress

When using WordPress the typical process for adding images is to insert a single instance, a simple and effective scenario. However, if more images are needed for a single post, or page, then the WordPress Gallery feature is the perfect solution. Users can upload multiple images, which WordPress puts into a gallery. The images can still be added individually or there is the option to upload the whole gallery in one fell swoop. Adding the entire .

Learn to edit your WordPress blog posts

Wordpress is designed in such a way that creating a new post for your blog is as simple as typing it in. You won’t, however, always get it right first time. If you’ve got a news-based the site then you might need to update a post with new information as it becomes available, or sometimes you will simply need to go back and correct a typo. Thankfully this is not a task to challenge anyone. A .

Tips to manage comments in WordPress

Comments allow your website’s visitors a platform to add their input on the topic, ask questions, and provide feedback which helps to communicate with you and other readers. It helps to grow community interaction around the content. WordPress comes with a comment management system of its own. WordPress posts, pages, and other post types can accept comments. Post and Publishing When you set up your first blog, every post you publish comes with comment features. This means any registered .

How to organise WordPress posts

This will teach us how to manage all contents, including sing bulk-actions, filtering, categories, adding tags and much more. After a busy news day where stories and posts are stacking up on your blog or WordPress-powered the website, you take a look back at the homepage and realize there are more than a couple of things wrong with it. Tags are missing. Things are all in the wrong order. The same post has appeared twice. Basically, your .

All about WordPress plugins

Introduction to plugins ALTHOUGH WORDPRESS STARTED off as primarily a blogging tool, its open source nature soon led to it being used for a wider variety of sites. Now you can not only find your basic online diaries, fan sites and personal promotion pages but artist’s galleries, sites for businesses and high-profile individuals all using the software. Part of the reason for this diversity is the plug-in system. While the default WordPress installation has plenty of .

10 must-have plugins for WordPress

The 10 must-have plugins for Wordpress are  Jetpack, W3 Total Cache, iThemes Security Pro, WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, Contact form 7, Advanced Custom Fields, Disqus, BackupBuddy, and Askmit. Jetpack Jetpack is a bundle of useful plugins in one. Jetpack features include enhanced social sharing, enabling users to subscribe to posts and comments, and much more. http://jetpack.me W3 Total Cache Faster load time is crucial as it impacts user experience as well as SEO performance. W3 Total Cache will optimize WordPress for speed and .
How to Combine Javascript Files In WordPress without Plugin?

How to Combine Javascript Files In WordPress without Plugin?

To combine the javascript files in WordPress with php and without Plugin, first, we must know all of the javascript files along with its handle name loaded on the web page without seeing the web source as we did in the manual way. Knowing all of the javascript files loaded in a web page We can find all of information about the javascript files loaded in a WordPress page in the WP_Scripts object. This object is stored .